Shot List

Paddle 51

Story Beats:

Scene 1: The Car Accident
1. A rambunctious young boy and his amused pet dog ride in the back of a small blue car as his temperamental father drives down a desolate country road.

2. The unruly boy repeatedly hits his dad in the back of his head with a paddle ball toy causing a distinctive “boing-boing” sound.

3. The irritated red-faced father begins yelling in anger at the boy, as the car recklessly swerves and teeters down the road.

4. As the father is looking at the smirking boy, the car runs off the shoulder of the road and crashes into a large tree. “Whomp! Clang! Crunch!”

5. Scratching his head in a dazed disbelief, the man stumbles out of the vehicle followed by his son with an expression of guilt whispering,”Uh-oh.”

6. The car’s front end is propped up on the tree and is smoking and wrecked.

Scene 2: The U.F.O. Abduction
7. The dog watches in amazement at the U.F.O. as a port in the side of the craft opens up and shoots a brightly lit tractor beam toward the unsuspecting boy.

8. The dumbfounded boy is pulled upwards towards the ship, as the dog yelps out to the distracted father.

9. The horrified father and the determined dog latch on to the boys’ feet as all three of them are slowly lifted skyward.

10. The dangling father and dog soon lose their grip and tumble to the ground.

11. The devastated father and crying dog moan with despair as the boy is sucked into the port hole and it closes.

12. The ship thrusts away with a mechanical “whoosh!”. The sound of the boys’ paddle ball can be heard from a distance, “Boing! Boing!” The space craft begins to wobble and swerve erratically as the paddle ball sound continues, “Boing! Boing! Boing!” The ship turns back around and flies back towards the father and the dog.

13. Spinning out of control, the ship begins a high speed descent to the tree and crashes. The smiling boy is hurled out of the exploding ship into the arms of his overjoyed father.

14. The car is jarred from the explosion and falls from the side of the tree as the boy, his father and dog embrace.

Scene 3: The Ending
15. The damaged car drives down the road towards a warm sunset over the hills. The creeking and sputtering car zig-zags down the road as the sound of a paddle ball toy is heard in the distance, “Boing!Boing!Boing!”

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